
Ok, I see, thanks for your reply.

It would be very useful with the possibility to perform multi-line searches also on filtered text contents like this though, so in that case I would very much like to suggest such a feature to be added to EmEditor, for example called “Search Filtered”.

I understand that it would require that the filtered contents are first copied to their own memory buffer before they can be regexp-searched (i.e. an initial CPU + memory hit for each such search operation), but that would absolutely be worth it (and as long as it’s not a giant file, it would also practically be negligible to begin with), but that wouldn’t be a problem at all as long as the user knows this and has chosen this special kind of search to begin with.

Any chance you can add such a feature?

The filtering capabilities of EmEditor are extremely useful, but being unable to search the filtered data all-out like this unfortunately reduces the full potential of this otherwise excellent filtering quite a bit for more advanced usage. :-/