
Please go to Configuration Properties, File tab, New Files button, and select “LF Only (UNIX)” from the Return Method.

Strange, I can’t get this to resolve the issue.

I’m using “EmEditor Professional (64-bit) Version 13.0.6” and my system’s default encoding is “日本語 (シフトJIS)”.

Properties for Current Configuration (txt) shows:

  • New Files… > Return Method: LF Only (UNIX)
  • Saving… > Return Method: No Change

My test file is “Untitled.txt” (Return Method = LF Only (UNIX)) containing:


Important: EmEditor should be closed once after creating this file before attempting to reproduce.

To reproduce, I simply open “Untitled.txt” from Explorer, check that the status bar shows “LF Only (UNIX)”, then hold down Ctrl and type A, C, V.