Yutaka Emura


As for Suggestion, you can use the following macro:

currDoc = document;
docs = new Enumerator( editor.Documents );
for( ; !docs.atEnd(); docs.moveNext() ){
    doc = docs.item();
    if( !doc.Saved ) {
    	doc.Saved = true;

As for Issue 1, we don’t support EmEditor grabbing EmEditor, please! We will disable this on the next version.

As for Issue 2, we will undo the “Close without Save” command change. I don’t really want to change the specs back and forth. Please think twice before suggesting a change or consider writing a macro next time.

As for Issue 3, I agree. We will change the initial status to no “*” for grabbed text.

As for Issue 4, Currently, the split persists. Do you want the split NOT persist?