
Issue D is not fixed yet.

Issue E:
WordComplete needs an option for words in UserDic.bin.

Issue F:
The default en_US.dic is CP-1252. Some characters could be displayed incorrectly in the candidate list on different OS’s, e.g.:
I converted en_US.dic to UTF-16LE+s (since UserDic.bin is). Seems work well for WordComplete, but not for CheckSpelling.

Issue G:
CheckSpelling can recognize the word between 2 non-Latin characters (with no spaces). But WordComplete can not.

Issue H:
Type “doc”. The candidate list shows.
“docc”. The list hides.
Press Backspace.
I think the list should show again.

Issue I:
When “QAZ” is deleted in the document, it will be cleared from the candidates.
But when “Include All Documents in Group” option is used, and after I closed the other documents in the group, the words from them are still in the candidates, till I detach the tab.

Issue J:
“Never and Keep Original Text when Completes” is used.
When both “qaz” and “QAZ” exist in the document, the candidate list displays only the first one (according to the order in the document).
Is this as expected?

The description for “Never” in CHM is not quite clear for me:
> For instance, suppose ABC and abc are found in the current document (or a dictionary file).
> If Never is selected, either ABC or abc can be used as a candidate, and typing either A or a displays either ABC or abc.

I think “the first one loaded” should be stressed, rather than use “either”.

Suggestion 3:
Hope the candidate list can be cycled to the bottom/top by pressing Up/Down key.
Or make Home/End key also available in the candidate list, since PageUp/PageDown key can be used.