Yutaka Emura

Hello netsking,

I am sorry for inconveniences. Since I can’t reproduce the issue, please do the following steps if you don’t mind.

Select the Tools menu -> Import and Export, and then select Export all settings into a registry file (if you are using a Desktop Installer) or INI files (if you are using a portable version), and save exported files and folders.

Then select the Tools menu -> All Commands -> Tools -> Reset All Settings, this should prompt you to restart EmEditor. You can always restore your settings by importing your settings you just saved.

Please check if the issue still persists. If the issue has been resolved, then please zip exported files and folders (including the AppData subfolder within the exported folder), and email the zip file to me (tech @ emurasoft.com).

You can also send me screenshots or screencasts to explain the issue.

Thank you,