Yutaka Emura

v21.1 beta 2 (21.0.902) supports hopefully all those feature requests.

This version supports Get/Write QWord integers.

Since JavaScript numbers don’t support 64-bit integers, you will need to use GetProfileString/WriteProfileString, and these methods can now read/write 64-bit integers as hexadecimal strings.

To write QWord integers, you can write:

nLow = 0x02000183;
nHigh = 0x00000004;
s64 = "0x" + nHigh.toString(16) + ("00000000" + nLow.toString(16)).slice(-8);
editor.WriteProfileString( eeRegCommon, "", "FindFlag", s64, eeRegQWord );

To read QWord integers, you can write:

nHigh = 0;
nLow = 0;
s = editor.GetProfileString( eeRegCommon, "", "FindFlag", "0" );
if( s.length == 18 && s.substr( 0, 2 ) == "0x" ) {
	nHigh = parseInt( s.substr( 2, 8 ), 16 );
	nLow = parseInt( s.substr( 10, 8 ), 16 );

I hope this works for you.