Yutaka Emura

jugaor wrote:
–I think that I isolated the problem #1.
When customizing the Macros menu, b41 doesn’t recognize the added macros until it’s restarted (if I immediately invoke them after customizing the menu, Em apparently ‘runs’ them but it only flickers a “Replacing” macro window, without touching the target text files. Closing and reopening Em is mandatory).
But all the subsequent betas and RC never recognize them (even after restarting, they always show the flickering window) :-(
I also tested the betas in a fresh XP install in MS Virtual PC (the official XP SP2 English from its site) with the same result.
Please, make sure that the VBEE support is enabled in the new releases.

–Confirmed: the new ISO codes are only working in manual Searches & Replaces, not in VBEE scripts (b41, since I can’t test them with the others). Please, let me write examples (with several fake Spanish words, only for testing):

editor.ReplaceInFiles “ó”, “o”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”
editor.ReplaceInFiles “Ó”, “O”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”

ORIGINAL: Ó ó Óñonoy Ñóño diseñó diseüó.
FINAL: O o Oñonoy Ñoño diseño diseüo.

editor.ReplaceInFiles “a por”, “por”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”
editor.ReplaceInFiles “A por”, “Por”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”

ORIGINAL: A por, a por. Cabaña por ahí. CÜA por eso. A poría.
FINAL: Por, por. Cabañpor ahí. CÜPor eso. Poría.

editor.ReplaceInFiles “asi”, “así”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”
editor.ReplaceInFiles “Asi”, “Así”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”

ORIGINAL: Asi, asi. Asiático, Ñasi, Éasi.
FINAL: Así, así. Asíático, Ñasí, Éasí.

editor.ReplaceInFiles “comun”, “común”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”
editor.ReplaceInFiles “Comun”, “Común”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”

ORIGINAL: Comun, comun. Comunícate, nécomun.
FINAL: Común, común. Comúnícate, nécomún.

I also tried to change “eeEncodingSystemDefault” to others without luck (several ones don’t make replaces, “EncodingUTF8” erases not replaces).
Besides this, changing the last ones:

editor.ReplaceInFiles “(A|a)si”, “1sí”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceRegExp Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”
editor.ReplaceInFiles “(C|c)omun”, “1omún”, “*.txt”, eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceRegExp Or eeFindReplaceCase, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “”

ORIGINAL: Asi, asi. Asiático, Ñasi, Éasi. Comun, comun. Comunícate, nécomun.
FINAL: Así, así. Asiático, Ñasi, Éasi. Común, común. Comunícate, nécomun.

The expected behavior! :-o Very strange! (but this ‘solution’ isn’t applicable to other chases, as the first two ones).

Excuse me the long post, but I tried to be the clearer possible. I hope that you can test these issues and make the excellent Em even better! :-)

What encodings are the original files were saved as? Are you sure these are saved as System Default Encoding?


eeOpenDetectUnicode Or eeOpenDetectUTF8

in addition to eeFindReplaceOnlyWord Or eeFindReplaceCase in the nFlags parameter. This way should more resemble manual Replace in Files dialog box.