Yutaka Emura

chjfth wrote:
Thanks MariaK, but that’s NOT what I expect.

Assume there are 3 tabs(A,B,C) opened, and A is current active tab. Please distinguish the two keyboard actions:
ACTION 1. Press and hold Ctrl, then press TAB multiple times. This should ALWAYS cycle through all 3 opened tabs. –no matter if ”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command” is checked.
ACTION 2. Press Ctrl, press TAB, release TAB, release Ctrl, this switches active tab to B. Again, ress Ctrl, press TAB, release TAB, release Ctrl, will this switches back to A or switch to C ? This will be affected by ”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command” option.

EmEditor v6 to v8 did quite right to present different behavior for ACTION1 and ACTION2. But EmEditor 9 does not.

ACTION 2: If the ”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command” option is checked, this action switches back to A. Otherwise, to C. Is this behavior different between v8 and v9? How is it different?