Yutaka Emura

chjfth wrote:

ACTION 2: If the ”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command” option is checked, this action switches back to A. Otherwise, to C. Is this behavior different between v8 and v9? How is it different?

My God. I can’t imagine you EmEditor author cannot understand it while MariaK can — perhaps you’re not a native English speaker.

I checked my post in this thread once again. My presentation was correct! Now, let me say that again. You prepare two PC, one to install Emeditor v8, one to install v9. Then on both PC do the following:
1. Enable option ”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command”
2. Open three files(tabs), say, A, B C .
3. Do my keyboard ACTION 1 .

Now you will see the difference:
* On EmEditor v8, active tabs cycle through A -> B -> C -> A ->B ->C -> A …
* On EmEditor v9, active tabs cycle through A -> B -> A ->B -> A …

Apparently, v8 exhibits the reasonable bahavior, but v9 does NOT.

”Switch to Last Used Document for Next Document Command” is useful, that’s OK. But it SHOULD ONLY be effective when you take keyboard ACTION 2.

I am trying EmEditor Professional v9.07 on Windows 7, but I still coulnd’t reproduce your issue. What OS do you use? Windows XP, Vista or 2000?