
Your answer implies that GetLine() returns the whole line already.

That was not clear to me because i saw different results (to my failure as i see now)

Today i saw by an another test that GetLine() returns the whole line indeed:

#language = "VBScript"

'Returns the line number of the top of the selection.
SelLineFirst = document.selection.GetTopPointY( eePosView )

'Returns the line number of the bottom of the selection.
SelLinesLast = document.selection.GetBottomPointY( eePosView )

For LineNumber = SelLineFirst to SelLinesLast

'Retrieves the text on the specified line "LineNumber"
Line = document.GetLine( LineNumber )

'Show line content:
alert Line

'here is my failure
'document.selection.Text = newtext & Line

Next 'LineNumber

Now that i know that GetLine() returns the whole line content
i know i did something wrong.

My problem was that i wanted not to select the whole lines
(in front of executing my script)
but start selection at some signs behind SOL at first line
and end at some position before EOL at the last line.

BUT then, silly me, i used document.selection.Text = newtext
and was wondering why GetLine() didn’t returns the whole line,
now i see i was to silly to get what happens… sorry.
(only the selected text was altered, of course)

No i use something like

For LineNumber = SelLineFirst to SelLinesLast

'Retrieves the text on the specified line "LineNumber"
Line = document.GetLine( LineNumber )

'Selects a line at the cursor.

'overwrite this line with new text
document.selection.Text = newtext & Line

Next 'LineNumber

The additional document.selection.SelectLine
extends at real time the selection to the whole line
and so my replacement replaces the whole line as wanted.

Issue solved.
Thanks Yutaka! Thank you for your endurance and support!