Yutaka Emura

Garrett wrote:
Header and footer(h/f) on page

if h/f = “&f” then all OK.
For example
( . = space )

if h/f = “&f&r&d &t” this draw as
………………..sport.txt05.12.2007 22:30

This is error.

You should parse header/footer and draw each part template separately.
For example here two parts – “&f” and “&r&d &t”
And on page it should be as
sport.txt………………..05.12.2007 22:30

if h/f = “&f&c&d&r&t”, it contained 3 parts and should draw as

Its behavior is as same as Notepad behavior, so this is not a bug. If this were one of your wish list, I would add that in future wish list. Thanks!