
Yes, but only with a macro; example:

#icon = “Buttons.icl”,13
#title = “Show Marks”
#tooltip = “Show Marks”

// Displays or Hides Marks.

myobject = document.Config;

if (myobject.Mark.ShowReturns==0 && myobject.Mark.ShowEOF==0 && myobject.Mark.ShowTabs==0 && myobject.Mark.ShowSpaces==0 && ShowDBSpaces==0 && CrLfDifferent==0 && ShowIndentGuides==0 && myobject.Mark.ShowControlCharacters==0) {
myobject.Mark.ShowReturns=”true”; // Returns
myobject.Mark.ShowEOF=”true”; // End of File
myobject.Mark.ShowTabs=”true”; // Tabs
myobject.Mark.ShowSpaces=”true”; // Spaces
myobject.Mark.ShowDBSpaces=”true”; // Wide Spaces
myobject.Mark.CrLfDifferent=”true”; // CR and LF with Different Marks
myobject.Mark.ShowIndentGuides=”true”; // Indent Guides
myobject.Mark.ShowControlCharacters=”true”; // Control Characters
else {
myobject.Mark.ShowReturns=”false”; // Returns
myobject.Mark.ShowEOF=”false”; // End of File
myobject.Mark.ShowTabs=”false”; // Tabs
myobject.Mark.ShowSpaces=”false”; // Spaces
myobject.Mark.ShowDBSpaces=”false”; // Wide Spaces
myobject.Mark.CrLfDifferent=”false”; // CR and LF with Different Marks
myobject.Mark.ShowIndentGuides=”false”; // Indent Guides
myobject.Mark.ShowControlCharacters=”false”; // Control Characters
