

I would also like to be able
to move the zero-width vertical selection ( | )
with the left/right arrow keys
to modify several columns
without the need to do an selection again and again.

One,| Two= Three.
One,| Two= Three.
One,| Two= Three.

One Two=| Three.
One Two=| Three.
One Two=| Three.

One Two Three.|
One Two Three.|
One Two Three.|

One Two Three
One Two Three
One Two Three

Would be nice if even Pos1- and End-keys would be working
and move the vertical selection to begin or end of the line.
Where i then can use the arrow keys to move the vertical selection.

EmEditor Professional 8 New Features
Vertical selection of zero width:



Improved Vertical Selection Editing:

EmEditor Professional 10 New Features
Vertical selection of zero width at the right
of the end of lines will cause the selection to move
to the end of each line in the selection.

Nice and useful feature!
But how can make an vertical selection at the right
without getting this new effect?
IOW: how can i add vertical align text to the right as before?

Never mind. Found it:
Make an normal vertical column block selection (Ctrl+Shift+F8)

Thank you.