
For those of you who are interested…I have a “workaround” that seems to get close, but is very kludgy at best. Here is what I did and it kind of “works”.

1 – Create a syntax highlighting file with all the keywords you want to have emEditor to know about and color for you.

2 – Create a dictionary file with all the keywords and point your WordComplete plug-in to this dictionary file. This will allow emEditor to show you the functions you want emEditor to display in a drop down as you type.

3 – Create a snippet for each keyword that then fills out the structure of the function.

Seems like a lot of work to go through just to get an intellisense-like feel. It is not perfect, but at least it gets close.

One problem with the Snippets plug-in, is the last parameter gets replaced by a tab instead of positioning the cursor at the end of the snippet, so just add another empty positional parameter and it will take care of it. (Yutaka: Perhaps this can be fixed?)

If someone has some other suggestions, please let me know. This is a little weighty to have to maintain, and I would rather not switch to another editor.