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  • #6807
    Yutaka Emura

    EmEditor Professional 8.02 beta 1 is available for download. Updates from v8.01 include:

    – Negative lookbehind regular expression bug fixed.
    – Font size change with CTRL + Mouse Wheel can be disabled now by adding “WheelFont” value as REG_DWORD in KEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEmSoftEmEditor v3Common key using the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and set to 0.
    – Fixed crash when deleting many lines in a large file.

    Download: (Next Beta Version)

    The portable version can be produced from the Import/Export wizard on the Tools menu after you use the installer. However, the portable version runs slower than one using the Registry.

    Please let me know earlier rather than later if you have any bug reports or comments. Thanks!

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