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  • #8242
    Yutaka Emura

    EmEditor Professional v10 beta 5 (9.90.5) is available for download.

    Updates from beta 4 include:

    – Binary (Hexadecimal View) mode now includes ASCII view side by side.

    – Vertical selection is now limited to logical selections (multiple selections because of line wraps do not count any more).

    – The “Files or Folders to Ignore” text box (Find in Files > Advanced) now allows up to 15,999 characters.

    – When you reloaded a file and then if the dialog box appeared because invalid characters were found and then canceled, a new untitled document appeared. This was fixed unless a huge file is opened asynchronously.

    – The Explorer plug-in did not always synchronize the selection with an opened active file. This bug was fixed.

    – The WordComplete plug-in now works inside Snippet placeholders.

    – Fixed print bug on Windows 2000 from earlier v10 beta.

    For details of other new features and screenshots of EmEditor Professional 10, please see:

    Please download: (32-bit) (64-bit)

    It is recommended that you uninstall previous v9 before you install a new version.

    This beta version is free. It doesn’t require you to enter a registration key, and anyone can use this beta version without purchase. This version expires on May 31, 2010. Before this date, you will need to update to then newer version, or purchase the release version.

    The portable version can be produced from the Import/Export wizard on the Tools menu after you use the installer. However, the portable version runs slower than the one using the Registry.

    Please don’t hesitate to write any comments or bug reports in this forum.

    Thank you for trying EmEditor beta versions!


    – The WordComplete plug-in now works inside Snippet placeholders.
    I found a bug with the plugin.When I fill the arguments of a function or condition statement and then press “tab” key ,it doesn’t jump to the next placeholder as usual, but create a blank space after the argument.Is there anyway to fix this problem?

    By the way ,I simulate zen-coding with macro, but some function can’t be realized.How can I use the origin zen-coding as a emeditor plug-in?


    How can I save my settings from version 9 in 10beta?


    Hi Yutaka,

    I found a bug with the plugin.When I fill the arguments of a function or condition statement and then press “tab” key ,it doesn’t jump to the next placeholder as usual, but create a blank space after the argument

    I find this too. Just a correction: a tab in placeholder creates a tab not a space.
    2. The help button on Insert Special Character does not function.
    3. Cannot change the encodings of new created document (before saving) by double clicking on the “current encoding” on status bar. (a specification maybe, but having a popup menu alerting you to save the file would be better).
    4. Open a file, change something, double clicking on the “current encoding” and choose a different encoding, the alert of “Do you want to abandon changes” appears twice if you choose “cancel”. May be the first alert should be “Do you want to save the file”?

    Feature request:
    1. The current convert selection-comment/uncomment only uses line comment. i.e. in HTML files, this command will not work. It would be better that Em automatically use block comment when line comment is not available (or ever better, auto decide when to use line comment or block comment). Even if the command is tweaked to only use block comment would be a better implementation than the current method, since line comment is quite easy to insert using vertical selection.
    Of course I can always use macros or snippets to achieve block/line comment. But since you decided to put such a functionality in Emeditor core, would be better if it behaved smarter. (and from my point of view, this is not that hard to implement. Correct me if I’m wrong)
    Moreover, I think comment/uncomment is not suitable to be placed under convert selection section. Normally when a user press comment while have nothing selected he is trying to comment the line…
    But that might be a bit too complex for an editor’s core functionality. So all in all a better solution might be just leaving all these command totally to macros.

    2. Is it possible to add an Auto Join command besides Convert selection- Remove new lines/Join lines. i.e. If a character before/after n is a multi-byte character act as Remove new lines (no space inserted) and when the character is a single byte character act as join lines (insert space).


    Bug Report
    While exporting a portable version of EmEditor, dictionary files won’t be exported. Thus, if customized settings are exported at the same time and the “check spelling” is enabled, an alert will pop up.

    Feature Request
    Support more regular expression option such as “global” in snippet transforming, then more dynamic snippet could be implemented, like this :-)

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello robben,

    I will fix this issue. I am very sorry about this inconvenience.
    Will that fix your zen-coding issue, too? If not, please be more specific about the issue.

    Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have further questions,


    Yutaka Emura

    Hello banita,

    Thank you for using EmEditor!

    When you uninstall v9, the uninstaller will ask you whether you want to save settings. You can select “YES”, and then you should have any problems. If you need to move your settings from one PC to another, you can Import/Export wizard on the Tools menu.

    Please let me know if you have further questions. Thank you.


    I leave my settings but when I open emeditor 10 I lost all my “Display settings(colour)”.
    When I import old config file does not take effect.
    sory for me poor english

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello banita,

    Thank you for using EmEditor!

    If this is the first time you try v10, it should import settings from v9, but of course, except new colors like Comparison-related and misspelled words. Then after you tried v10, and if you go back to v9 and change settings, those new settings will not be reflected to v10 because v10 uses a different entry for color settings. I hope this information helps.

    Please let me know if you have further questions. Thank you!

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello ToadLoadin,

    Thanks for trying EmEditor beta 5!

    I fixed that bug with the Dictionaries folder. I am not sure about the “global” option but regular expressions we use depend on Boost regex library.

    Please let me know if you have other questions. Thanks!

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello zhouzh2,

    Thanks for trying EmEditor beta 5.

    I fixed all bugs except 3. encoding issue. This encoding issue is a specification. If this popup menu is going to be used for a new encoding for untitled document, then I need to add “with Unicode Signature” and “without Unicode Signature”, which makes it more complicated.

    I might also consider your feature requests as well. Thanks for your inputs!
    Please let me know if you have other questions or comments.

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