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  • #27686
    Yutaka Emura

    Today, we are releasing EmEditor v21.1 beta 2 (21.0.902).

    Updates from beta 1 include:

    • By default, the new version does not change the default macro when you select one of My Macros or press the shortcut key assigned to a macro. This behavior is customizable by the Running one of My Macros will set it as the default macro check box in the Options page of the Customize Macros dialog box.
    • Added the Set Default command to the right-click menu on one of My Macros on the Macros menu.
    • The new version sets the Use DirectWrite option by default.
    • The new version shows many OS-supported Emoji Sequences and Emoji ZWJ Sequences correctly when you move the cursor or select the Character Code Value command.
    • Added the Set this as the default macro and Suppress redraw check boxes to the Macro Temporary Options dialog box.
    • Added the (Clipboard) option to the menu displayed when the …▼ button is clicked in Macro Temporary Options dialog box.
    • Added the Set this as the default macro check box to the Advanced Open dialog box.
    • Added the Running one of My Macros will set it as the default macro check box to the Options page of the Customize Macros dialog box.
    • Added the nType parameter to the WriteProfileString method of the Editor object.

    Please see EmEditor v21.1 New Features for details and screenshots.

    Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. If you use the installer version, please select Customize Update Checker on the Help menu, and set the Include beta versions in order to update automatically to future beta versions. Beta versions can also be downloaded at Previous versions.

    Please post any questions or comments in this forum, or Contact us.
    Thank you for trying EmEditor beta!


    How about handling “macro from clipboard” this way:

    Add a “Get Macro from Clipboard” command in Macros menu.
    Use this command to set the “macro from clipboard” as the current macro (just like what “Select this” command does).
    Now the clipboard change won’t affect the current macro.

    Usage example:
    Record a macro.
    Edit to make it better.
    Ctrl+A (or select a part). Ctrl+C.
    Use “Get Macro from Clipboard” command.
    Now I can run the edited macro, without saving it. And it’s better than just record-and-run-without-editing.

    This way, the “(Clipboard)” item in “Macro Temporary Options” dialog is not necessary.

    Alternative commands:
    Run Macro from Clipboard (directly)
    Run Macro from Selection (directly)
    Get Macro from Selection
    Maybe you could weigh them and choose the best solution.


    Add for the above:

    With this command, we can run/test the “macro from clipboard” more conveniently.
    If we want to run it with the “Macro Temporary Options”, then we open the dialog.

    Yutaka Emura

    beta 4 (21.0.904) added the Run Clipboard Macro command.


    Thank you for the “Run Clipboard Macro” command.
    Please also add the ability to set the clipboard macro as default.


    “set the clipboard macro as default” could be misunderstanding.
    What I mean is:
    Manually save the clipboard content to the memory as the default macro.
    Then we can run the content as default.
    The clipboard changes will NOT change the default macro, unless we save it again.

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