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  • #21741

    I work a lot with the K language (Kx/Kdb), which is pretty non-standard, so I’ve set up my own configuration for it. K has no multi-line comments, and EOL comments begin with only a slash after white space, so on the Highlight(2) page I’ve set up ” /” (space, slash) and “^/” (caet=BOL, slash) as the two Line Comment settings, and I’ve set to ON the two checkboxes that say Double Quotes and Continue to Next Line under String Enclosed by Quotation Marks. Here’s the relevant section from the ESY file:

    #LineComment1= /

    What happens is that in a one-line comment that has a double-quoted string, that string is colored differently. This should not be the case.

    Yutaka Emura

    I am not sure what the problem is. Can you please show me a screenshot, and explain what the problem is?

    Thank you,

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