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  • #6869

    I have another question. If I have a user tool, is there any way to keep the window open after it finishes running so I can see the result?

    Thank you,

    Yutaka Emura

    mikez302 wrote:
    I have another question. If I have a user tool, is there any way to keep the window open after it finishes running so I can see the result?

    Thank you,

    Are you using the Output Bar or Command Prompt window? If you use the Output Bar, the result remains until you close the Output Bar.


    I am using the command prompt window. I don’t like the output bar because I can’t see any of the output until the program is finished running, which can be a problem for big operations.

    I am now curious: if it is not possible to keep the command prompt window open, is there some way to make the output window show the output while the program is running, instead of waiting until it finishes?

    Yutaka Emura

    mikez302 wrote:
    I am using the command prompt window. I don’t like the output bar because I can’t see any of the output until the program is finished running, which can be a problem for big operations.

    I am now curious: if it is not possible to keep the command prompt window open, is there some way to make the output window show the output while the program is running, instead of waiting until it finishes?

    If you use the Command Prompt window, you can run cmd.exe with /k option. See examples:
    (Compile by Visual C++)

    The Output Bar should open as soon as you run external commands. Did you try the Output Bar open before you run the tool (View menu > Output).


    Thank you. The link was helpful, although I didn’t do it exactly like it was described.

    I am trying to run Python programs from EmEditor. In case this may help anyone, here are the settings I used:

    Title: Python (separate window)
    Command: \%WinDir\%system32cmd.exe
    Arguments: /c “C:Program FilesPython26python.exe” $(Path) && pause
    Initial Directory: $(Dir)

    With these settings, my program will run, and the output will stay on the screen until I press a key.


    I played around with those settings and found out that they work sometimes, but not if the path to the file has spaces in it. I fixed this problem by changing my arguments setting to this:

    /c “”C:Program FilesPython26python.exe” “$(Path)” && pause”

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