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  • #7263

    Using ctrl+tab switches between tabs in some kind of last used order. I want to switch to the left or right as they are appear in the tabs.

    Also I have added alt+left/right as keyboard shortcut but that only switches between two documents.


    Duh, ok I have made my first javascript, :-( , to solve it.
    But I still would not mind if this was a “native” option.

    // Move to right
    var docs = new Enumerator(editor.Documents);
    var current = editor.ActiveDocument;
    var first = null;
    var doc = null;

    for(; !docs.atEnd(); docs.moveNext() ){
    doc = docs.item();
    if (first == null) first = doc;

    if (doc == current) {
    doc = docs.item();
    if (doc == null) doc = first;
    if (doc != null) doc.Activate();

    // Move to left
    var docs = new Enumerator(editor.Documents);
    var current = editor.ActiveDocument;
    var last = null;
    var doc = null;
    for(; !docs.atEnd(); docs.moveNext() ){
    doc = docs.item();
    if (doc == current && last != null) break;
    last = doc;
    if (last != null) last.Activate();

    Yutaka Emura

    Mike wrote:
    Using ctrl+tab switches between tabs in some kind of last used order. I want to switch to the left or right as they are appear in the tabs.

    Also I have added alt+left/right as keyboard shortcut but that only switches between two documents.

    Please read this:
    “Is there a way to make EmEditor move through document tabs in sequential order from left to right?”

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