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  • #25679

    When there are many replace items, it would be much better if we have a “description” column. That way it’s much easier for us to quickly know what does a replace entry do. See below image. Thanks in advance!


    I second this suggestion.

    Batch Replace needs item descriptions.
    And I need this list not only for batch replace.

    Actually I seldom do batch replace.
    So I use this list as “Search Favorites”, since EmEditor doesn’t have (a real) one.
    By double-clicking on an item in the list, the pair are sent to the left board, and the options are set. Very handy!

    Please consider adding a Description (or Title) column.

    (Markers have Titles. But Markers can not store replace pairs.)
    (I also have some suggestions for Markers if Yutaka would like to hear.)


    Yes, I also need this feature. More and more search criteria are added and it’s easy to forget the usage.
    I also wish there’s a cloumn to show “row number” ,such as 1,2,3……second column is description.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello LTT,

    I think search favorites should be saved in the [>] button menu.
    By the way, if you have suggestions for Markers, please let me know. I will probably enhance Markers in the future.

    Hello David,

    I need to clarify your comment. Do you want to show “row numbers” at the left of each column? Do you want descriptions appear in the second column, between the row numbers and Find terms?


    Yes, You said is what I mean.

    In fact, I want to post an image to show. But I find the function of this community is different from before. I try to use html tags but it’s not allowed to submit the post.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello David,

    As for the row numbers you want at the first column, if you reorder items in the list, do you also want numbers to be reordered (like serial numbers), or do you want numbers stay at the same place (like Line Numbers)?

    If they are serial numbers, then numbers and titles can be combined into one column, and you can just put a number at the left of each title.


    @Yutaka_Emura ,

    > I think search favorites should be saved in the [>] button menu.
    ▲ Sorry I don’t get it. I don’t see any history/favorites item in it. How to save one into it? Do they have titles?

    > if you have suggestions for Markers, please let me know. I will probably enhance Markers in the future.
    ▲ Thank you. I’ll do it when I finished on recent topics/issues.

    By the way, could you make the forum RSS 100% reliable?
    I missed some (single) feeds occasionally (rarely).


    @David ,

    > I want to post an image to show. But I find the function of this community is different from before. I try to use html tags but it’s not allowed to submit the post.

    ▲ I think you can simplify things by cutting the URL this way:


    @Yutaka ,
    How to make @ to you work?

    Yutaka Emura

    >▲ Sorry I don’t get it. I don’t see any history/favorites item in it. How to save one into it? Do they have titles?

    I mean if I make search favorite features in the future, then I will add favorite items to the “>” menu. The feature has not been implemented yet. Sorry for confusion. Either way, I will think about favorite search features in the future.

    I am not sure why RSS doesn’t work, but it is a WordPress issue and beyond my responsibility.

    I am not sure about @ either.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello guapo, LTT, David,

    Some of these features are implemented in v19.8.91+.



    ** Now all the items are checked when Batch board is open.
    The status of the checkboxes should be remembered.

    The current design for batch item editing is not acceptable for me:
    Changing in the left board should NOT immediately change the selected item(s). I’d rather click a “Save” button to confirm the change.
    Should use double-click or an “Edit” button to send the item to the left board.
    Should revert the current search in the left board afterwards (if the user didn’t trigger the change during the editing).
    In a word, operations for batch item editing should be explicit.
    (I damaged some of my items while testing…)

    Should be able to insert an item at the current position by using “Add”, rather than change the order afterwards.

    After adding/editing, the list should scroll to that item.

    I don’t see why the buttons below should be disabled while Batch board is open:
    “Select All” button in “Find” dialog.
    “Replace” button in “Replace” dialog.
    “Extract” button in “Find in Files” dialog.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hi LTT,

    I will fix 1, 3, and 4.

    2. The new batch dialogs were designed to minimize the buttons in the dialogs, so if you want to search/replace only one item without batch, you should click the “<< Batch" button to collapse the dialog to the normal size. You can still access batch list items by clicking the ">” button, and select “Select from Batch List”.

    The new design allows you to easily change options for some or all batch items, or change the “Replace with” string for all batch items, which I remember you also requested in another post. The design is similar to the Advanced Filter dialog.

    5. I have not implemented “Select All” (Find dialog), “Replace” (Replace dialog) and “Extract” (Find in Files dialog) for batch. I might implement these in the future.


    Yutaka Emura

    I redesigned Batch Find/Replace and Batch Find/Replace in Files dialog boxes on v19.9 beta 2 (19.8.92) so that they will behave similar to v19.8 and earlier.
    I hope this works for you.



    Yes, 1 window with 2 tasks on both sides.
    Thank you for your effort!

    “Save to Batch” button is nice!
    Please also revert the double-click (for single item) and “Edit” button (for multiple items). It’s necessary, since the window is 2-task. So the left board changes only when the user really wants to.
    Batch dialogs are big enough for this button.

    By the way, is “Close” button necessary (even for touch screens)?

    “Select from Batch List” menu is not really the solution for “Search Favorites”, right?
    (If it is, I hope I can set to show/hide any item.)


    ** Crashes after drag-dropping an item in the list.

    Open Batch in Find.
    Drag to increase the window height.
    Switch to Replace.
    ** The window height goes larger.
    The height should not change.

    The height of “Batch Find/Replace in Files” window has to be fixed?

    Open Batch in Find.
    Switch to Replace.
    ** The last item in the list is selected, unnecessarily.
    Same in “Find/Replace in Files”.

    Open Batch in either of the 4 windows.
    Press Esc key.
    ** No response (till any visible control gets the focus).


    Oh sorry I mistook the version…
    6 and 10 are fixed.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hi LTT,
    I fixed 7, 8, and 9. on v19.8.94.
    I reverted the double-click or press Enter key functions, and removed the “Close” buttons from all Find/Replace dialog boxes.


    I also wish this features. It will be better to have two columns. One is for row number, sencond is for description. Thanks!</img&gt;


    Yes, I also need this feature. More and more search criteria are added and it’s easy to forget the usage.</img&gt;


    Yes, I also need this feature. More and more search criteria are added and it’s easy to forget the usage.</img&gt;

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