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  • #26044

    I’m trying to capture several groups within a string using a regex. However once I reach greater than 9 back-references, they do not replace as I expected.

    Eg: This is a bit of a contrived example.

    Input string: abcdefghijklmnopqrstwhj
    Find What: ^(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)$
    Replace With: \10

    It doesn’t work. I also try $10, \g<10>, \$+10…..but failed. Does EmEditor support back references more than 9?

    Yutaka Emura

    Currently, EmEditor doesn’t support backreferences more than 9. If this is important, I will see if I can improve it.


    It’s hard to say it’s important or not. Most case, 9 is enough. Occasionlly I need more.
    For my current case, I use “batch replace all” function to resolve it and get successful.

    During looking for help from Google, I saw someone mentioned Notepad++ support more than 9.

    Mr KT

    Yes please, can I second this request. Also, if at all possible, if named groups could be used as named backreferences for replace, that would be fantastic.

    e.g. (Just a simple example but: ideally extended to more than 9 capture groups)

    Find: (?<day>\d\d)(?<month>\d\d)(?<year>\d\d\d\d)

    Replace: \k<year>\k<month>\k<day>

    Yutaka Emura

    EmEditor v19.1 beta 1 (19.0.91) supports backreferences more than 9 by using this form: $10, $11, $12, … We will release it shortly.


    ありがとう;Thank You;고맙습니다;谢谢;DANKE.
    Thanks for your quick response.

    Mr KT

    Thanks Yutaka,
    $n seems to work great. Is it possible to implement named groups for Find and Replace, if the engine used is Onigmo? From the documentation (, it seems as though it is supported?

    e.g: Section 8. Backreferences
    \k<name> \k’name’ backreference a group with the specified name

    Yutaka Emura

    The next version supports named capturing group by using this form: (?<name>expression) and named backreference by using this form: \k<name>.
    Thank you!

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