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  • #18196

    The two “Script group box” fields, “Begin text box” and “End text box” in the Highlight (2) tab of the Tools->Configuration Properties menus for the Perl configuration are unavailable.

    How can I make them available?

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello Meir,

    The Script Begin/End text boxes are enabled only when “HTML-Embedded” is selected from the Special Syntax drop-down list box. For instance the Script Begin/End become “” in case of PHP, “<%" and "%>” in JSP.


    It would be very helpful IMHO to also enable it for other “configurations” (an unfortunate name. It bewildered me as a beginner. Why not call it “Language”? But never mind!), at least for Perl.

    In Perl, one has the option to document a piece of code in the same file as the code itself, using “pod” – Plain-Old Documentation. When adhering to the POD, the Perl compiler ignores the documentation, and so should EmEditor do with regard to syntax highlighting. Outside of the beginning and ending strings, it should be regarded as plain text, no highlighting.

    The beginning and ending marking strings should support <newlines>, say as “\n”. This is very important, see the POD standard. It should also support alternatives, separated say by commas, semicolons, or the pipe character “|”. This is because there are alternatives as to how one demarcates code from documentation and Vice Versa.

    For your consideration!

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