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  • #8951

    I’ve been using the Search/Replace in Files, very useful — though I find I need an additional feature:

    Search (and/or) Replace in the Tabs that exist in the current window, not ALL Tabs/Documents in ALL EmEditor Windows.

    Especially for Replace… I don’t want the Replace to occur in all open files, just the current Tabs in the current window.

    Yutaka Emura

    In the Find in Files or Replace in Files dialog, you can select “Current File” in the menu displayed when you click the “>” button by the File Types drop-down list.


    Current File would mean, the Current Tab right?

    What I mean is an option to Search/Replace in ALL tabs of the Current Window — When you have multiple EmEditor Windows open that have Tabs in each one, especially.

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello CrashNBurn,

    Then, how about “Search All Open Documents” option in the Find/Replace dialog box?


    Ah, So that just searches the current window…
    Awesome thanks again :-)

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