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  • #20702

    Right now, clicking the down arrow part of a new file opens up a list of configurations. Clicking on one brings up the default template defined as part of this configuration. However, each configuration must have multiple templates. A Perl Module can be OO or old fashioned package. And these are different from a Perl main and so on and so on.

    My request is that instead of loading a single default table, it will open up a choice of multiple templates. If the default definition points to a file, the present behavior remains. But if it points to a directory, all files in that directory will be considered templates to be presented.

    Warm regards

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello Meir,

    Thanks for several inputs. I am currently busy with other parts of development, but I will work on these issues as soon as I have some time. Thanks for your patience!

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello Meir,

    You can write a macro to select a template, and associate the macro to the event when you create a new file. Can you try that way? I would really appreciate if you could use macros first. I don’t think I can satisfy all your requests.


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