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  • #6214

    I just tried to write a macro to do this:

    if (document.selection.Text == "{")
    document.write ( "{}" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "[)
    document.write ( []" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "(")
    document.write ( "()" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "'")
    document.write ( "''" );
    if (document.selection.Text == """)
    document.write ( """" );
    shell.SendKeys( "{LEFT}" );

    I type “(“, run this macro, and get “()”, with the cursor between “(” and “)” .
    I assign the “(” key to this macro, but I get nothing when I typed “(“. Is there a way to let Emeditor insert this hotkey before running this macro ? Or how can a macro get the value of the hotkey it’s assigned with?

    And anyone got a better idea to do this ?

    PS. I also tried to improve this macro. In C, it might be better to insert “{n}” rather than just “{}”, So in short, how to let macros to be more “language specified”?


    Yutaka Emura

    zhouzh2 wrote:
    I just tried to write a macro to do this:

    if (document.selection.Text == "{")
    document.write ( "{}" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "[)
    document.write ( []" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "(")
    document.write ( "()" );
    if (document.selection.Text == "'")
    document.write ( "''" );
    if (document.selection.Text == """)
    document.write ( """" );
    shell.SendKeys( "{LEFT}" );

    I type “(“, run this macro, and get “()”, with the cursor between “(” and “)” .
    I assign the “(” key to this macro, but I get nothing when I typed “(“. Is there a way to let Emeditor insert this hotkey before running this macro ? Or how can a macro get the value of the hotkey it’s assigned with?

    And anyone got a better idea to do this ?

    PS. I also tried to improve this macro. In C, it might be better to insert “{n}” rather than just “{}”, So in short, how to let macros to be more “language specified”?


    The following example shows how to find the shortcut for the macro you have just run.

    for( nID = 9216; nID <= 9216 + 1023; nID++ ){
    str = editor.QueryStringByID( nID );
    if( str == ScriptFullName ){

    bFound = false;
    list = new Enumerator( document.Config.Keyboard.List );
    for( ; !list.atEnd(); list.moveNext() ){
    item = list.item();
    if( item.Command == nID ){
    virtual = item.Flags & eeVirtualKey;
    shift = item.Flags & eeShift;
    ctrl = item.Flags & eeCtrl;
    alt = item.Flags & eeAlt;
    str = "The shortcut key = " + item.Key;
    if( virtual ){
    str += "n Virtual Key";
    if( shift ){
    str += "n with SHIFT";
    if( ctrl ){
    str += "n with CTRL";
    if( alt ){
    str += "n with ALT";
    alert( str );
    bFound = true;

    if( !bFound ) {
    alert( "No shortcut found" );



    to find the current configuration.

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