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  • #23755

    Sometimes we need to edit very long columns text file, for example > 1,000,000 columns.
    But it will become “no response” after v17.6, include v17.6.0 beta 1 (17.5.901).

    Reproduce way:
    Win 7 64bit, Emeditor v17.6 ~ v18.1 64-bit portable, all default settings.
    1. Open a very long columns text file, for example > 1,000,000 columns.
    2. Press “End” key, move the cursor to the end of line, for example Ln 1, Col 1,000,000. -> “no response” for a while(several seconds) in v17.6, but, in v18.1 almost hangs or freezes.
    3. Click to any col near the end of line, for example click on Ln 1, Col 999,950. -> “no response” for a while (several seconds).
    4. Select any text to highlight. -> “no response” for a while (several seconds).

    Compared to v17.5
    1. Open a very long columns text file, for example > 1,000,000 columns.
    2. Press “End” key. -> OK, within 1 second.
    3. Click to any col near the end of line, for example click on Ln 1, Col 999,950. -> OK, within 1 second.
    4. Select any text to highlight. -> OK, within 1 second.

    Yutaka Emura

    This issue will be fixed on the next version. Thanks!

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