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  • #19619

    Hello: I am using vs2013 and without making any changes on the plugin download I get the error pasted below
    also, I did a solution wide search for OnEvents and found the code blocks below:
    Error 7 error C2660: ‘CMyFrame::OnEvents’ : function does not take 3 arguments d:\p\projects\emeditor_plugin\wordcount500s\etlframe.h 149 1 WordCount
    // from etlframe.h
    void OnEvents( HWND hwndView, UINT nEvent, LPARAM lParam ) // three arguments
    T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
    pT->OnEvents( hwndView, nEvent, lParam );

    // from wordcount.h
    void OnEvents( HWND hwndView, UINT nEvent ) // two arguments
    if( nEvent & EVENT_SEL_CHANGED ){
    Editor_UpdateToolbar( hwndView, EEGetCmdID() );

    As you can see one definition has three arguments and the other has two. Is this the cause of my compile failure?

    Yutaka Emura

    Hello noman9607,

    You are using very old verison. Please use a newer version you can find at:



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