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  • #23707

    Issue 1:
    CHM says:
    Suppose ABC and abc are found in the current document (or a dictionary file).
    If “Both in Candidates and in Typing” is selected, both ABC and abc are used as a candidate, but typing A displays only ABC, and typing a displays only abc.

    Current behavior:
    “Both in Candidates and in Typing” is set.
    The dictionary has “star”.
    The document has both “star” and “Star”.
    The list shows “star” when you type “star”.
    ** But doesn’t show “Star” when you type “Star”.
    (Compare it with AAA/aaa or ABC/abc.)

    Issue 2:
    Type “AAA”.
    ** Should the list also show “A” and “AA”?
    Select “A” nevertheless.
    Type “AAA” again.
    ** “A” is highlighted in the list. Should the shorter word selected be remembered?

    Type “star”.
    ** Should the list also show from “st” to “Stapleton”?
    Select “Stapleton” nevertheless.
    ** Note that the word now is “Starleton”, not “Stapleton”.
    Type “star” again.
    ** “Stapleton” is highlighted in the list. Should the upper word selected be remembered?


    Issue 3:
    “Never” or “Never and Keep Original Text when Completes” is set.
    Type “need”.
    ** The list is empty.


    Issue 2+:
    “Never and Keep Original Text when Completes” is set.
    Type and select “default” in the candidate list.
    ** Type “define”. But the selection in the list stays at “default” all the time.

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