
– Often, you may just want to extract text from the current document (or all open documents), so the “Use Output Bar” option and “Output Options drop-down” should be added to the Find and Replace dialogs.

– To aid in regex construction, and to visually see what will being matched, the Output Bar should be updated with matches when “Incremental Search” is enabled (similar to how the text matching the Find pattern is updated as you type into the Find box).

– Incremental Search option on Find/Replace In Files, which will apply to currently active document, to aid creation of Find Expression without the need to switch to normal Find/Replace windows.

– Option to leave Find/Replace in Files window open after pressing Find button.

– As you may want to do further processing on extracted text, a “Copy to new document” button in the Output Bar header (to the right of the text “Output”) would make this easy. ie. one click would create a new document containing the contents of the Output Bar.

Member CrashNBurn also wanted the Output option, “Display only text matching find pattern and also text matching Replace pattern”

As already mentioned, EmEditor already has the capability to do all the above. eg. When “Use Output Bar” checkbox state changes, show or hide the Output Bar. When incremental matches are being highlighted in document, update Output Bar (if enabled) with matches.