Yutaka Emura

Today, we are releasing EmEditor v14.4.912 (14.5.0 beta 12).

Updates from beta 8 include:
– Improved outlining.
– Fixed a certain bug related to the virtual cursor mode.

To Download

If v14.4.908 (14.5.0 beta 8) is not already installed, please download and install it first. Then please click “Check for Updates” on the Help menu.

Or, you can download at:

http://www.emeditor.com/pub/emed32_14.4.912.exe (32-bit installer)
http://www.emeditor.com/pub/emed64_14.4.912.exe (64-bit installer)

These files will be deleted when newer or official release versions become available.

Thank you for testing EmEditor!