
I’m still trying to find a solution.
I installed the non-portable version from scratch, and it does offer you to import from ini files. However, it’s a tiny one, that doesn’t carry much info: eeCommon.INI.
Importing that one only doesn’t help. There’s a big one 1.5mb, that is called eeConfig. That seems like carrying a lot of info, but I couldn’t import it.

So the standard emEditor had only the default settings. Not good.

Then I moved all the inis on top of it. At that point everything works with my settings, but it’s not reading from the registry so it’s dog slow.

This is a conundrum… I hope you can find a solution that makes emEditor fast AND portable at the same time.

On the other hand, the wordcompletion plugin is still making tab switching slow even when reading from the registry. I noticed that it’s more evident when tab switching from a syntax-highlighted file to a text file (plain).
