Yutaka Emura

prashob12 wrote:
I tried to use the macro script for replacement in all the files.

below is the sample, here i am getting some error report for closing of “)” at sandeep, “D:PRASHOB, can you please tell me exactly where i am making the mistake.

editor.ReplaceInFiles( “prashob”, “sandeep, “D:PRASHOBLY-01juriontesttest2*.xml”, eeReplaceBackup, eeEncodingSystemDefault, “”, “D:PRASHOBLY-01juriontesttest2backup” );

” is missing after sandeep

editor.ReplaceInFiles( "prashob", "sandeep", "D:PRASHOBLY-01juriontesttest2*.xml", eeReplaceBackup, eeEncodingSystemDefault, "", "D:PRASHOBLY-01juriontesttest2backup" );