Yutaka Emura

chabulier wrote:
1) The file localtion link can be save. when we do a search in a folder, there will be a link for each results, however when you save this results and reopen it, the link function will gone. I suggest to keep this can be saved.
For example: C:temp.txt:7328 or this was surrounded by some other symbols:
a) (C:temp.txt:7328);
b) FileLoc://C:temp.txt:7328;

This will be a great useful feature and the file localtion link can be an stardard just like http://.

2) Is that possible to add some core feature for export(copy) file style as a RTF or a HTML? I see we can found a plugin to export as a HTML, however if it’s a core function, more people will like it and use it.

Please advise :lol:

1) Use file://.

2) I don’t want to make the HTLM export feature as a core feature because I don’t want to make the EmEditor core bloated. Use the plug-in.