Yutaka Emura

Flint wrote:
I noticed strange problems in how EE processes regular expressions.

1. Start the portable version of EE 8.04 with clean settings and open a text file with the following contents:

>NSCopy +
>Resourse Extractor +

2. Press Ctrl+H, enter the Find expression:
and Replace with expression:

3. Check the Use Regular Expressions checkbox, press Replace All.

4. The result is:

>>>N>SCopy +
>>Resourse Extractor +

You can see that the second line is processed incorrectly.

If I perform the same find-replace step-by-step, I get the same result (in the “NSCopy” string the letters N and S are found and replaced as if they were located at the beginning of the line), though they are not.

I reproduced your issue, and I will fix this issue soon. Thanks!