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  • #26949
    Yutaka Emura

    Today, we are releasing EmEditor v20.1 beta 2 (20.0.902).

    Updates from beta 1 (20.0.901) include:

    • Enhanced command line /l and /cl options to allow negative numbers to specify the number of lines from the last line, or number of characters from the end of line.
    • The new version moves a selected string in the clipboard history to the newest position in the history, and replaces the current Clipboard with the selected string.
    • Added the Begin Filter and End Filter options to the Advanced Filter feature to allow you to set only a range of multilines as filtered lines.
    • Added the Begin Filter and End Filter check boxes to the Advanced Filter dialog box.
    • Added the CI_MOVE_CLIP action to the CLIP_INFO structure.
    • Added the QuotationMark property to the Csv object.
    • Added the eeExFilterBegin and eeExFilterEnd flags to the Filter method of the Document object.
    • Fixed a bug where opening the same file did not activate the EmEditor window.
    • Fixed an issue where dropping files from Explorer did not activate the EmEditor window.
    • Fixed a bug where a simple filter did not work as multi-threaded.

    Notes: Beta versions are updated frequently. If you use the installer version, please select Select Update Channel on the Help menu, and select Betas in order to update automatically to future beta versions. Beta versions can also be downloaded at Previous versions.

    Please post any questions or comments in this forum, or Contact us.
    Thank you for trying EmEditor beta!


    Customize: CSV:
    Select a format in the list.
    ** The copied data does not include the QuotationMark.

    Suggestion 1:
    Some files use inconsistent newline characters as delimiters inline.
    Is it possible to support such files in CSV mode?

    Suggestion 2:
    EmEditor can display newlines as M/J in reversed color.
    I hope this feature can be controlled easily by the user, i.e. hope I can convert the selection/view.
    As suggestion 1, CSV or non-CSV.
    In ASCII view.


    (2+ whitespaces)xx
    Select “xx”, drag and drop it to just the beginning of the selection (between the whitespace and “x”).
    ** The 2 whitespaces before “x” are selected.

    These options in Start window do not work immediately:
    Enable AutoRepeat handle in non-Cell Selection Mode
    Drag selection border to extend/shrink selection
    (I didn’t test others.)

    Open Start window. Ensure the lists have horizontal scrollbars.
    Enable/disable “Size” (or “Type”, or “Date Modified”) from the context menu.
    ** All the horizontal scrollbars disappeared.

    Yutaka Emura


    I’ve fixed these issues on beta 3 (20.0.03). I will release it shortly. Thank you!

    Customize: CSV:
    Select a format in the list.
    ** The copied data does not include the QuotationMark.

    (2+ whitespaces)xx
    Select “xx”, drag and drop it to just the beginning of the selection (between the whitespace and “x”).
    ** The 2 whitespaces before “x” are selected.

    These options in Start window do not work immediately:
    Enable AutoRepeat handle in non-Cell Selection Mode
    Drag selection border to extend/shrink selection
    (I didn’t test others.)

    Open Start window. Ensure the lists have horizontal scrollbars.
    Enable/disable “Size” (or “Type”, or “Date Modified”) from the context menu.
    ** All the horizontal scrollbars disappeared.


    Copy a picture into system clipboard.
    Then in EmEditor, open clipboard history and click the 1st item.
    ** It does not change the content in system clipboard.

    > The new version moves a selected string in the clipboard history to the newest position in the history, and replaces the current Clipboard with the selected string.
    ▲ Please add an option for this.

    Yutaka Emura

    I will fix Issue 5, and add an option on the next beta.

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