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  • #21024

    When you copy an entire cell in Cell mode (i.e. press ctrl-c while having any cell “active”, i.e. mint-green-colored) and then paste this copied cell-text into a normal text-mode document, the cursor is for some reason placed at the beginning of the pasted text, which is a real workflow-killer.

    Could you possibly please fix this?

    When copy/pasting a cell from Excel in the same way, the cursor is instead placed on the next line (i.e. a linebreak is added after the pasted text), and I guess this would be ok if you wanted to mimic Excel, but pasting it just like normal text (i.e. having the cursor placed right after the pasted text, without any linebreak added) would probably be most natural and very best workflow-wise?


    Any chance to fix this soon, or at least acknowledge this bug report in any way?


    Any chance to comment on this?

    Is it by design (and in that case why?), or could it be fixed in an upcoming version?

    Yutaka Emura

    Currently, the behavior is the same as vertical selection paste. However, I will fix this issue only for cell selection paste.



    Excellent, thanks!

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