How do I install EmEditor without displaying dialog boxes?

During normal installation, dialog boxes will be displayed, and a user must click the “Next” button or set options. However, when you install EmEditor into multiple computers in corporate or group environments, you might want to use a batch or scripting file to automate the installation. EmEditor uses Windows Installer for installation, and the “quiet” installation is possible.

For instance, if the EmEditor installation file is emed64_20.9.0.msi, running the following command:

msiexec /i "(...path...)emed64_20.9.0.msi" /passive MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

will install EmEditor with default settings without displaying any dialog boxes.
If you wish to change the default settings, you can use following options:

MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1Specifies a per-user install for the current user.
NOCHECKUPDATES=1disables checking new versions of EmEditor periodically via the
NOCONTEXTMENU=1disables adding a shortcut to the Context Menu on Explorer.
DESKTOP=1enables adding a shortcut to the Desktop.
NOIEEDITOR=1disables adding EmEditor to Internet Explorer HTML editor list.
NOIEVIEW=1disables View Source by EmEditor on Internet Explorer.
NOPATH=1disables adding the path to EmEditor to the PATH environment
NOSHORTCUT=1disables adding a shortcut to the Program menu.
NOSKIP=1does not skip installer screens even when upgrading.
NOTRAYICON=1disables the tray icon.
NOTXT=1disables the association of text files.
REGNAME="name"enters the name of licensee.
REGKEY=xxxxxxenters a registration key.

For instance, if you wish to install EmEditor only for the current user specifying a registration key and the name of licensee, run the following command:

msiexec /i "emed64_20.9.0.msi" /q MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1 REGKEY=xxxxx REGNAME="John Doe"

There are many options for Windows Installer. For details, run:

msiexec /?

to display the list of available commands.